2021 Elections to Staff Council

Make your voice heard, pick and support your delegates!
We hope that you will be many to vote and to elect the new Staff Council! Taking part in the election of your delegates in the Staff Council means choosing from among the candidates the persons you think best able to represent you. It also means participating in a democratic exercise within the Organization.
The voting takes place from 25 October to 15 November, at noon at the following link.
Elections Timetable
- Monday 25 October, at noon - Start date for voting
- Monday 15 November, at noon - Closing date for voting
- Tuesday 23 November and Tuesday 7 December - Publication of the results in Echo
- Monday 29 and Tuesday 30 November - Staff Association Assizes
- Tuesday 7 December - First meeting of the new Staff Council and election of the new Executive Committee
The voting procedure will be monitored by the Electoral Commission, which is also in charge of announcing the results in ECHO on 23 November and 7 December.
1 Group A: benchmark jobs classified on grades span 1-2-3, 2-3-4, 3-4-5 and 4-5-6.
2 Group B: benchmark jobs classified on grades span 6-7-8 and 9-10.