What is CAPA?
The CAPA, or the Individual Cases Commission (Commission des Cas Particuliers), is responsible for assisting members of the Staff Association in their disputes with the Organization. A professional career is not always a bed of roses and, in certain situations, assistance is welcome.
In practical terms, CAPA is a group of 7 to 8 delegates of the Staff Association who are at the service of their colleagues, there to give them advice, inform them of their rights and obligations, guide and accompany them, and offer them support in various procedures, in full confidentiality and free of charge.
What kinds of issues are addressed by CAPA?
A variety of subjects are covered, including:
- contractual situation: probation period – limited duration contracts (LD) and indefinite contracts (IC);
- career evolution: advancement, promotion, Performance Improvement Plan;
- administrative decisions;
- equal opportunities and diversity;
- health and security;
- appeal procedure and disciplinary procedure;
- relations between colleagues, between supervisors and supervisees; etc.
How to ask CAPA for assistance?
Contact the Staff Association Secretariat. If you are not a member of the Staff Association and if your case is of general interest, you can also contact us.
When to ask CAPA for assistance?
Seek assistance as early on as possible, right away when a difficult situation arises. Experience shows that prevention is better than cure.
Can I contact CAPA if I have already contacted other services?
Yes, of course. Any person (staff member, fellow, associated member of personnel, contractor’s personnel, etc.) can contact the CAPA even if they have already sought assistance from other CERN services, such as the Medical Service, Social Affairs Service, Human Resources, the Ombudsperson, etc. We are used to working together with different services: see the list of CERN support services.
How can CAPA intervene?
We offer a complimentary approach to that of other CERN services. It is not our intention to take action in your place and find a solution on your behalf. Rather, we help you find a solution by yourself through explaining or exploring possible courses of action together with you in strictly confidential meetings. In general, an appointment is made to discuss your situation. Two members of CAPA, who are your colleagues, will listen to you and offer you advice. We also regularly consult legal advisors specialised in international law.
What is the topic of the moment?
Although the priority is to bring individual support, CAPA can identify more systemic situations at CERN that need to be improved. It is then a source of proposals within the Staff Council, which sets the Staff Association's policy guidelines and work programme. Thus, several concrete actions have been launched in recent years:
- New ways of acquiring a surviving spouse's pension for pensioners who remarry.
- Creation of a working group on internal justice.
- Creation of a SCC sub-group on career development that will initially focus on the situation of people nearing the end of their grade or already in a personal situation (outside the salary scale).
- Request for the creation of a working group on Users following the changes in their subsistence allowance.
In conclusion, CAPA is there to advise and assist you as best it can in the event of disputes with the Organization. It is not a substitute for the other existing services of the Organization and will help you to find by yourself a solution to your questions.