Happy New Year 2022

This first issue of ECHO in 2022 gives us the opportunity to wish you and your families happiness and success.
The end-of-year holidays are now over! And as every year on this occasion, the Staff Association wishes to meet you in order to inform you about the current issues. In 2022, the topics discussed will again be many and varied. As already announced in the previous ECHO, the Staff Council adopted an action plan at the end of the year. We plan to hold a public meeting at the beginning of the year to inform you about the dossiers that are of particular interest to us, such as the revision of Annex A1 of the Staff Rules and Regulations, the Graduate programme and many more. The exchange with you during these meetings is essential for us.
We would also like to remind you that the Staff Association represents all members of personnel (MPEs and MPAs) in the discussions it has with the Management and the Member States. So, do not hesitate to contact your staff delegates to enrich the debate by giving them your views on those issues or on any other subject.
And don't forget to come to our Public meetings!