Dear Colleagues,
The Staff Association would first like to thank the Employed and Associated members of personnel who participated in large numbers during the public meeting of September 24.
During the meeting, our representatives presented the status of the current major concern, the 2021 Five-Yearly Review, including the method used for comparative study on salary levels.
We have also responded to your questions submitted in advance via email on issues such as the revision of Operational Circular No. 7 on teleworking, the Graduate Program review, the Pension Fund, career development and potential conflicts of interest. For other questions of a more personal nature, we will soon respond in a more individualized manner.
The status of the Users' situation could also be discussed.
It is important that the personnel as a whole stays informed and interact with their representatives on issues that affect us all. In order to follow the evolution of these and all other issues, don't forget to read our articles in ECHO regularly.
If you were unable to attend, don't worry: this public meeting, like the previous ones, was recorded thanks to the Audiovisual Service, which we warmly thank. You can view them now on this link.
If you came to our public meeting, once again, thank you for your presence, your questions and your thoughts, both at the meeting and outside. You can find your delegates on our website via the following link.
For any questions or information you can always contact the secretariat of the Staff Association at
As reminded during our public meeting, the Staff Association will proceed to the renewal of the Staff Council during the last quarter of 2021. This is your opportunity to become more directly involved in the work of the Association and to contribute to the promotion and defense of the interests of the personnel and, beyond, of the Organization itself.
You have ideas, you want to influence decision-making;
Become a member, run for election!