Results of 2023 elections

The election of the Staff Council for the period 2024-2025 is now over.
These elections have broken records both in terms of the number of candidates and the participation rate.
We would like to thank the 62 candidates from all colleges who stood for election and who were willing to actively defend the interests of the members of the personnel and of CERN.
We would also like to thank all those who took part in the vote, achieving a turnout of 55.45%.
Your participation in the Staff Council elections was very encouraging. We are therefore counting on the active support of all members of the personnel so that, together with the elected delegates, they show their determination to defend the interests of the members of the personnel and the Organization, not only as a laboratory of high-energy physics, but also as an international Organization that fulfils its social responsibility in an exemplary manner.
This cohesion between the members of the personnel and their representatives requires greater visibility of the latter on the ground. This is what we will be doing as of January. Don't hesitate to contact us, your comments and ideas are important to us.
This newly elected Staff Council (see its composition here after) is representative of all sectors and professions of the Organization, this is a major asset when representatives of the Staff Association discuss with Management and Member States on issues which we will have to address during the next two years.
Encouraged by this vote of confidence, we are confident that the new Staff Council will be able to count on the active and ongoing support of our members and all the members of the personnel in the years to come. We know that there will be numerous challenges ahead. But together we will be stronger and more creative in confronting them.
*Any member of the Association can consult the detailed results upon request at the Staff Association Secretariat