Results of the elections of the new Executive Committee

In accordance with the Statutes of the Staff Association, the Staff Council, in its meeting of 14 December 2021, elected a new Executive Committee.
Following the election with 29 votes in favour, one vote against and six abstentions, Michel Vitasse, the President of the session, and the entire Staff Council warmly thanked Céline Grobon and Antonella Vignes-Magno, the outgoing members of the Executive Committee, for their involvement and work in the interests of CERN and its personnel.
The new Executive Committee combines experience with a diversity of ideas and positions. Two departures have been compensated by four arrivals, thus ensuring continuity through a stable core of representatives enriched by the arrival of 'new blood'.
Your Staff Association will have a strong, experienced, efficient and united team to face the challenges of the New Year 2022.