Public meeting of November 5: thank you for your participation and your questions!

The Staff Association (SA) would like to begin by thanking the employed and associated members of personnel who participated in the November 5, 2020 public meeting.
Thank you also for all your questions and suggestions which we will have the opportunity to return to in future ECHO articles.
We also warmly thank the CERN audio-visual service team who made it possible to record this event, which you can still consult on this link.
As with all our public meetings, it is of course a matter of informing the entire community of members of personnel, but above all of engaging in a dialogue about your questions, problems, ideas or suggestions with the sole aim of representing, serving and defending you.
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to demonstrate that we are not immune to exceptional situations that may last over time, and by their very nature do not allow us to maintain our usual activities as they are.
But we members of personnel have once again demonstrated our commitment, our professionalism by carrying out all the activities that circumstances allowed us to carry out in order for the Organization to achieve its objectives.
In this very particular situation, the question of the amount of telework that Management can or must accept is essential. This question naturally finds its answer when it concerns our health and that of our families, its nature is quite different from the evolution of telework in a non-pandemic context.
The Staff Association understands that no single measure in this area can satisfy all expectations, but flexibility and communication are the essential vectors for a measure to be understood and supported.
Beyond the COVID-19 theme, the Staff Association continues to move forward on its vast and diverse work program, with a five-yearly review as we have been able to present to you.
Thank you to our members, and as for those who are not yet members, join us, we need you to defend you!