What is the Staff Association (SA) General Assembly (GA)?

What is the Staff Association (SA) General Assembly (GA)?
"The General Assembly shall be the supreme organ of the Staff Association, governed by Chapter 4 of the Association’s Statutes".[1]
A General Assembly is a meeting that brings together all the members of the Staff Association to discuss and decide on important matters related to it. It is a key event in its functioning, as it allows members to participate in the decision-making process and ensure that the SA is run democratically.
"An ordinary session of the General Assembly shall be called by the Staff Council, during the first semester of each civil year. An extraordinary session of the General Assembly shall be called by the General Assembly on its own authority or upon the written request of at least 10% of the members of the Association, presented to the President of the SA, specifying the subjects submitted to the General Assembly. In the latter case, an extraordinary session shall be held within 14 days of the receipt of the request."
At the General Assembly meeting, the following are presented for approval:
- the activities report prepared by the Executive Committee of the preceding year;
- the financial report prepared by the Executive Committee of the preceding year;
- the auditors’ report for the accounts of the preceding year;
- the subscription rates and the budget recommended by the Staff Council.
In addition, one of the main functions of the General Assembly is to elect or re-elect the SA Electoral and Audit Commissions members.
Finally, the General Assembly may also discuss and vote on other important matters, such as ratifying any amendments to the Statutes adopted by the Staff Council.
Overall, the General Assembly is a crucial event in the life of the SA, as it allows members to make decisions that will shape the future of the SA. By participating in the General Assembly, members can ensure that the Association remains transparent, democratic, and responsive to the needs and desires of its members.
Who can vote?
"Ordinary members (Staff, Fellows, Graduates) of the SA participate in all votes. In areas which, according to the CERN Staff Rules and Regulations, are also of interest to associated members and/or pensioners, the said members shall also have the right to vote. It is the role of the session chairman, under the supervision of the General Assembly, to apply this provision."
The Executive Committee, under the supervision of the General Assembly, is responsible for the implementation of the decisions taken by the General Assembly.
How to contest decisions?
"If a decision made by the General Assembly is seen as controversial, it can be challenged through a referendum. To do so, within two weeks, either at least 10% of ordinary members of the Association or at least 50% of Staff Council delegates must sign a petition requesting that the decision be put to a referendum."
This year's the GA will be held on Thursday 13 June at 10.00 am in the Council Chamber. The Staff Council is waiting for all the SA members to attend!