Thank you Dominique!

Saying thank you is completely natural when a very active member of the Association decides to take a well-deserved retirement,
Today, it is Dominique Denuzière's turn.
He joined CERN in 1986 as an electrical operator, and was one of those who built the LEP, the Large Electron-Positon, a revolutionary particle collider at the time, which succeeded the no less famous SPS, the Super Proton Synchrotron. Then, as time went by, his knowledge and experience led him to the position of technical engineer, specialist in SVCs and harmonic filtering, i.e. the depollution of our High Voltage electrical networks. A great career of which he can be very proud after 35 years of service!
But Dominique is also a delegate who counts in the ranks of the Association! At the turn of the century, the Organization was experiencing serious social movements. Elected to the Staff Council in the early 2000s, he then took an active part in the various social protests which produced effects even on CERN Council, and which then ensured several years of social peace.
As a personal memory, he was among the first to be present at 5 a.m. to hang our banners at the entrance gates. The Management made it even easier, by building roundabouts on the main roads of the site... Dominique is also one of those who spent, on Saturday or Sunday, their time "decorating" the corridors and elevators with posters to preserve the surprise effect of Monday..., all for the community and the good of us all!
He has always been a staff representative who listened to and was attentive to the problems of his colleagues in the field. Since long ago, the Association sets up various internal commissions where delegates are called upon to express themselves and work, and it is within the one called InFormAction that he has been the most active in recent years.
Dominique has decided to take a step back by taking his pre-retirement; he will be leaving us at the beginning of this year. The lack of current social interactions linked to the COVID-19 pandemic contributed to his decision, and I understand it very well! We may "zoom", but we are no closer, and the team spirit has taken a hit!
Anyway, his artistic moustache and good manners will be missing in the ranks of the Association. And let's not talk about his verve and his pen! However, we must not lose hope of seeing and hearing him again. The doors of the CERN GAC (“Groupement des anciens du CERN”) are wide open to him given his experience and interpersonal skills.
Words for the future said at this moment of time- a big thank you to Dominique for his long commitment among us, in the service of others, for the common good. And above all, a beautiful, long and happy retirement!
I look forward to seeing you again soon, without a screen in between, but around a good plate to celebrate this new stage of life as it should be.
For the Staff Association,
of yesterday and today...