Le Jardin des Particules

Congratulations to the Dahlias class of the Jardin des Particules who won the "Travel Roll" drawing competition!
The children in the Jardin des Particules' Dahlias class remained creative until the end of the year!
In mid-June, they took part in a drawing competition organised by Raphaël Seyfried, alias Travel Roll, whose idea was to imagine a vegetal curiosity.
They took up the artist's favourite format, a paper roll. With brushes, felt pens and watercolours at their disposal, the 14 children, aged from 4 to 6 years old, cooperate with finesse and pleasure to finally obtain the majority of votes and win this competition. On Friday 2nd July 2021, for the last day of school and to the great pleasure of the children, the JDP had the honour to welcome Raphaël Seyfried in person. He was eager to give the prize to the children, his latest scroll "vegetalis curiositas" which can be seen on travelroll.frHe took this opportunity to answer the children's questions and to explain his work as an illustrator, with his artworks in hand.
It was a beautiful moment of sharing where the very attentive children left with small gifts for each one, but above all with images and stories from elsewhere in their memories.
The team warmly thanks the children and their parents, all the people who took part in the votes as well as Raphaël Seyfried who all made this moment possible.
Congratulations again to the children and the team!!!!
(You can find Raphaël Seyfried's work on travelroll.fr, as well as on Facebook and Instagram)