Halloween at Aquaparc

Set a course to starboard, get drunk and join the crew for memorable animations.
The road to the treasure will be long but a real pirate can't resist the adventure!
Notice to all pirates, small, big, fat, lame, the keys to the captain's safe are hidden in the park, find one to leave with the loot! There are rumors in the taverns that the captain recently looted a ship full of Playmobil, perhaps they are hidden in the chests?
If fortune doesn't lead you to a key you can always try your luck at the buccaneer's magic wheel. Be careful, it can be risky to play with pirates, they have their own rules... New this year, a Sharky & the pirates collector ecocup will be to win!
All these adventures have made you hungry? Let's go to the Aquabueno, to taste the famous Blackburger of the pirates!
The captain is a secretive man, he never fully reveals himself and there will be other surprises to add to the list of delights.
Sharky and his friends will also be there to welcome you and make your day! If necessary, you can count on them to get rid of the pirates!
Aquaparc | Aquaparc | Parc d'attraction aquatique en Suisse - Valais