The Staff Association's cocktail meeting with Member and Associate Member States have resumed!

During the past 18 months, the Staff Association (SA) had not organized any cocktail meeting with the Member States and Associate Member States of the Organization, due to the health situation and its wish to privilege a direct contact with the delegations.
That is now in the past!
As the health situation did not allow for a face-to-face cocktail, the Association adapted to the context by organizing a cocktail via Zoom with all the delegations of the Member States and Associate Member States and their SA ambassadors last Wednesday, March 31.
This cocktail was a success, a moment where delegates and ambassadors were happy to meet, renew their links and share their ideas and positions on various themes.
About 20 delegations were present with more than 90 people connected. This exchange was eagerly awaited!
During these cocktails, informal exchanges, in the national language of each State, allowed the Staff Association to discuss certain current topics and, at the same time, to gather the concerns, ideas and points of view of each State.
The topics discussed by the ambassadors were the following:
- Concertation and Staff Association’s membership contributions;
- Status of the Five-yearly review;
- COVID-19 and personnel engagement; and
- Situation of CERN personnel.
The Staff Association would like to warmly thank all the participants of this cocktail and looks forward to prepare the next cocktail in June!