Since the beginning of the school year, we have launched a new program for Wednesdays between 8am and 6pm, for children aged 4 to 8 years old,open to everyone. The children are welcomed by our educators, accompanied by an English teacher, who reinforces the awakening and the learning of the English language during the afternoon.
This is a great initiative that allows us to respond positively to the needs of families and to offer the children a day without school with an educational approach, focused on different areas of learning: learning in a different way!
According to the pedagogical reflection of Loris Malaguzzi and the Reggio Emilia Approach, an active philosophy present in our structure, “the child is made of 100 languages”, and he uses them to express himself, observe and “investigate the environment around him”.
In order to support this process of research and the pluralism of the child’s own language, our Discovery Wednesdays offer a rich range of proposals and experiences of curiosity.
Thanks to great collaborations with the CERN Clubs, the children have the opportunity to experiment and confront themselves with rich and stimulating experiences, such as scientific awakening, photography, musical awakening, art, nature and sports. We thank them warmly for their availability, their investment and their attention to the needs of the children.
The price of the day care, with a canteen service between 12:15 and 13:30 included, is 85CHF. Registration can be done on a regular basis, but also on an ad hoc basis, depending on the evolution of your needs.
Places are still available.
Thank you for your attention.
Roberta Cavigliasso
Pedagogical Director