The working group on career development finally starts its work!

We informed you in our ECHO No. 356 that the mandate of this working group was, as we expected for a long time, about to be finalised. It is now done! At the SCC meeting on 6 May, the mandate, whose objectives you will find below, was approved by the Management and the Staff Association.
Three members of the management including HR Department representatives and three members of the SA will compose this working group. The kick-off meeting will take place on June 3.
The work of the WG will follow three phases:
Phase I: Analyse the impact of the current salary scale:
- For Staff in “personal positions”. This concerns members of personnel who were above the maximum salary of their new grade at the time of the implementation of the new salary scale as well as the personnel who exceeded the maximum of their grade within four years following such implementation. These members of personnel benefited from the transition measures approved by the Council in 2015;
- For members of personnel that are at or will reach the maximum of their salary grade in the medium term ;
- Systemically per design.
The objective is to complete the phase I by January 2022 or 12 months after the mandate’s approval.
Phase II
- Provide managerial and /or HR recommendations following Phase I results whose objective is to maintain motivation and engagement of personnel impacted;
- Report on status of the following HR programs or processes: VAE (Validation of the Acquisition of Experience), Internal Mobility, Focus on your Career
The aim is to deliver phase II, 8 months after completion of Phase I.
Phase III: Explore how to best structure/enhance the “Development” side of Careers at CERN (this phase concerns ALL members of personnel).
- Analyse needs for different professional life chapters (Early professional life, Mid professional life, and Senior professional life);
- Make Career Development Design recommendations.
The aim is to deliver phase III in 2022- 2023.
In the questionnaire sent to all employed members of personnel (MPEs) at the end of 2019, the personnel expressed a clear expectation that the career development aspects, which have undergone major changes in the 2015 five-yearly review, would be improved.
The Staff Association expects the work of this working group to meet this expectation.