Become a member of the Staff Association

How do I join the Staff Association and how much does it cost?
To join, simply complete the online form.
Membership is free until the end of 2023.
For employed members of personnel
Holders of limited-term contracts (LD), fellows, graduates and apprentices pay a flat-rate contribution of CHF 50 per calendar year (1 January to 31 December). The current contribution rate is 0.2% of annual basic salary for permanent contract holders (IC).
For Associate Staff Members
The annual contribution is CHF 50 per calendar year (1 January to 31 December).
What rights do I have as a member of the Staff Association?
Members of the Staff Association have rights, such as:
- Attend, vote, express yourself and decide at the General Assembly.
The General Assembly is the supreme body of the Staff Association. It takes place during the first half of each year. Any member of the Association may attend and participate in the General Meeting.
- Attend the Staff Council, the supreme representative body of CERN personnel and pensioners.
- Vote for your staff representatives. The Association's Staff Council is renewed every two years. This year, the elections of your staff delegates for the 2024-2025 mandate.
- Becoming a staff representative is an essential role within the Association, and a point of contact and link between the personnel and the Association. All Employed members of personnel (MPE), fellows and Associated members of personnel (MPA), who are also members of the Staff Association, can sign up and apply.
What are the benefits of membership of the Staff Association?
As a member of the Staff Association, you can also subscribe to:
- Loss of earnings insurance, reserved for staff, graduates and fellows. The contribution rate as of January 1, 2023 is 0.24% of annual base salary.
- Benefit from our partners’ offers.
In addition, a number of advantages are offered in terms of socio-cultural activities and day-to-day services.