Ambassador’s cocktail, Wednesday 20 March 2024

The Staff Association (SA) extends its sincere appreciation to all the attendees of the Ambassador's Cocktail held on Wednesday, 20 March 2024. Our gratitude goes out to the delegates from Member States and Associate Member States delegations (26 delegations were present), our "ambassadors" colleagues who always lend their unwavering support, and all those who contributed to the success of this event, especially the logistics and catering teams. We would also like to express our thanks to the secretariat of the Association for organising the cocktail party, and the secretariat of the Council for extending invitations to the delegations.
We are proud to host this event twice a year, in March and September, following the Finance Committee meeting, to bring together delegates from the Member States, Associate Member States, and some of our colleagues chosen by the Staff Association (So called SA ambassadors) to represent the Association and the personnel.
These events provide an excellent opportunity:
- to exchange on topics, ranging from specific thematic which are deemed important for the Staff Association to broader conversations about CERN and its personnel ;
- and listen to the delegations’ point of view and worries.