CERN Table Tennis Club

After two very sad years imposed on all of us by the Covid-19 pandemic, the CERN Table Tennis Club (CERN TTC) is happy to announce that activities have resumed, and that table tennis is again getting more and more popular on all CERN sites. A request to install an additional table at R2 is in the process of being fulfilled. If all goes well, a new outdoor table will be available by end of August.
Already on the 9th of June, the club made a very noticeable demonstration on the occasion of the relay race.
Selfie with CERN TTC member Ricardo Barrue and some of the visitors at the relay race.
The most important CERN TTC event, the annual CERN TTC Championship is back and will take place at the Meyrin club on Friday August 19th evening and Saturday August 20 afternoon. It is an event opened to players of all levels, from beginners to regular players. Everyone is ensured to play at least 4 matches, in a very friendly atmosphere.
If you want to participate, make sure to register as soon as possible as the number of entries is limited to 70. As of 1st of August, there were already 42 inscriptions received, which indicates that the event will surely be a great success again this year.
All the event information can be found on the Club Web site: