INTERVIEW ROBERTA - director of the Jardin des Particules (JDP)

1. Hello Roberta, can you tell us about yourself in a few lines?
My name is Roberta Cavigliasso, I am 41 years old and for the past year I have been the director of the Jardin des Particules (JDP) crèche and school of CERN Staff Association. Since I was very young I have been interested in the human sciences, so I trained in the Sciences of Education and then I was able to complete my background thanks to a training in Social Work and several continuing education courses in the broad socio-educational field (family mediation, parenting support, child development, parental guidance, emotional education, neuroscience...). I am passionate about my job, curious and diligent.
2. What motivated you to accept to become the director of the JDP?
I was already part of the JDP team, as a pedagogical assistant, when the previous director resigned. Knowing the structure and the team beforehand, I was very touched by this proposal. I accepted this new challenge by trusting my professional experience and skills, but also the team that surrounds me and accompanies me on a daily basis in the good management of the structure.
3. Can you tell us about your vision for the JDP, today and tomorrow?
I strongly believe in the present and the future of the JDP. Since I took over as Director, I have wanted to emphasise the educational identity and pedagogical characteristics of the structure.
The JDP has a pre-school (crèche) and school capacity, with a lot of potential. Potential due to its multidisciplinary, caring, stable, and invested team. Together we are working to make the JDP more and more attractive by responding to the demands and needs of parents, taking into account societal and family developments.
4. What are the major changes that have already been implemented since you took over and those that you are planning?
The year 2022 has been very rich in terms of positive changes and areas for improvement.
- - In the nursery we have doubled the capacity of the nursery for small babies from 4 to 8 children.
- - In the school, we have developed a Wednesday day care service, "les mercredis de la Découverte". Offering educational care by the team, as well as a very rich collaboration with the different CERN Clubs. Throughout the year, the children are offered scientific and photography workshops, music club activities, sports with zumba and cycling...
- - But also the setting up of an occasional care for the whole structure, in connection with the specific needs of the CERN activity linked to the short missions within the laboratory.
For the start of the new school year 2023-2024, there will be other innovations. The JDP will be able to expand its training offer at school, with a view to continuity. A new level of pre-school care will be offered for 3-year-olds 0P, as well as a 3P level for older children, and a 4P class will be opened in the 2024-2025 school year.
Some ongoing and future projects:
- For an inclusive quality welcome: partnership with the CERN Social Service
- Intergenerational project: partnership with the Geneva Association Lire et Faire lire
- Yoga project 0-7 years
- Creative awakening and art education project
- Snoezelen space: multi-sensory room 0-7 years
- Partnership with the Meyrin Library
5. "Why should a parent choose the JPD for their child's education?
The JPD offers an educational continuity between the nursery and the school, favouring the development of the children. Surrounded by a multidisciplinary and complementary team, this is very rich.
A very important element is the place we give to families, we have a model of coeducation that we support, with a systemic vision around the child and his family. This system offers a great deal of participation to families in the educational life of the child in the structure. A good example is the principle of familiarisation of new children ().
The child is at the heart of the reflections of the whole team, he is like a little researcher with his own autonomy and reflection. We value each child's own skills and learning with a great deal of benevolence.
These elements of listening, welcoming and respecting the child are our pedagogical signature.
6. How is the JDP managed? What is the role of the Staff Association (SA)?
As mentioned above, I am the director of the structure, and I collaborate with several actors:
- The Management Committee; composed of several members; which plays a management and consultation role on aspects that affect the organisation, projects and financial canvassing...
- The Consultation Committee, representing the JDP staff, meets once a month to discuss the organisation of the structure, employment conditions, etc.
- The role of the Staff Association is very important. Indeed, the PA is our employer, so it provides the annual subsidies that are necessary for the smooth running of the structure.
- We also benefit from the help of several of CERN's own departments in our daily management.
7. Any final words for our readers?
I am delighted to be at the helm of this fine structure which is showing signs of renewal. I warmly thank the colleagues and the whole team who are carrying this beautiful project with me. We hope to be more and more responsive to the needs of families and that the families who have already joined the structure feel supported.