Dear Colleagues,
The Staff Association would first like to thank the employed and associated members of personnel who participated in large numbers during the public meeting of June 7.
This time again, we presented the state of progress on all the topics that are part of the work program based on your priorities expressed at the end of 2019 in the surveys launched by both the Association and the Human Resources department.
Three important subjects were also raised which are of major concern to the Association and which could have a major impact on the attractiveness of CERN: the method used for the comparative study on salary levels in the context of the Five-year review, the situation of the Users and Le Jardin des Particules.
We will keep you informed of the evolution of these three issues and of all the others (for that, don't forget to read our articles in ECHO regularly).
If you were unable to attend, don't worry: the public meeting was recorded thanks to the audiovisual service, which we warmly thank. You can watch it now on this link.
If you came to our public meeting, once again, thank you for your presence, your questions and your thoughts, both in and out of the meeting. You can find your delegates on our website via the following link.
For any questions or information you can always contact the secretariat of the Staff Association at
You have ideas and you would like to take part in the decision-making process,
Become a delegate!