Focus on the General Assembly of Tuesday 25 June 2021

Due to the health restrictions applied to date, the General Assembly of the CERN Staff Association (SA) was held once again remotely by video conference. The General Assembly is, as every year, a privileged moment during which you can inform yourselves and take note of all the activities and successes of the past year.
It is also an opportunity to support through your votes the actions that the Association has carried out during the past year and the work programme for the coming year. We would like to warmly thank all the members who participated in this event.
This year, Almudena Solero and Joël Lahaye, both Vice-Presidents of the Association, jointly presented the activity report for 2020. The past year has been an intense one and has been disrupted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Isabelle Mardirossian, President of the Association, presented the work programme for 2021. Lastly, Catherine Regelbrugge, who is in charge of the Association’s accountancy, presented the 2020 financial report and the 2021 provisional budget. We would like to thank you for the confidence entrusted in us by having largely supported by your votes our past actions and our program for 2020. For more details, do not hesitate to consult the recording of the meeting available on this link:
The Staff Council recommended that the Association's contribution rates for the year 2022 remain unchanged, a proposal that was approved unanimously by the present members. Thank you for it!
Once again, we would like to thank all those who participated in this General Assembly. We hope to see even more of you next year and this time in person!
For more details, please see all the presentations available on Indico :