Annual Report of the International Red Cross

Dear all,
The crisis in Ukraine continues unabated. Last year, we did our utmost to help those affected in and outside Ukraine. As a member of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, we responded to the enormous humanitarian needs.
Our 2022 Annual Report provides an overview of our work over the past year. Together with the Ukrainian Red Cross, we supported the people driven from their homes in the conflict zones and seeking shelter in the west. We helped them cover their most urgent needs and made emergency shelters fit for the winter. Swiss Red Cross specialists stationed in Ukraine and its neighbouring countries helped quickly set up relief supply chains. Refugees from Ukraine seeking protection in Switzerland could also rely on our help: 1,300 Red Cross volunteers helped them deal with administrative challenges, taught German and French classes, and organized social activities bringing together refugees and the local population.
Thanks to generous donors like you, we had almost CHF 53 million available to provide this support. In 2022, we spent almost CHF 33 million, around two-thirds of which was used to help people in Ukraine and its neighbouring countries, and the remainder to help people seeking protection in Switzerland.
Thanks to the solidarity of partners like you, we will be able to stand by people affected by the conflict over the months and years to come.
Best regards
Isabelle Roos
Red Cross