
The Secretariat is located in building 64/R-010.

Our offices are open from Monday to Friday, from 8.30 to 12.00 and from 13.30 to 17.30.


Stephanie Palluel

Phone : 767 42 24

  • "Jardin des Particules", crèche and school of the Staff Association : 
    • Accountancy
    • Administration
    • Invoicing to parents
    • Management and administration of the service registration software

Catherine Regelbrugge

Phone: 767 42 24

  • Staff association accounting
  • Front desk
  • Elections to the Staff Council
  • CSAIO web site editor
  • Staff Association presentation at the induction sessions for newcomers
  • Membership cards of the Staff Association



Fiona Nancy Brenugat

Phone: 767 28 19

  • Translations
  • Annual reports
  • Cultural activities: conferences, exhibitions, concerts
  • CERN Children’s Christmas Party
  • Front desk
  • Membership cards of the Staff Association
  • Echo bulletin