Public meeting- 7 June at 11am
Do you have any questions about the Five- Yearly Review of employment conditions 2021 (5YR 2021)? Would you like to know more about the Staff Association's program of work for 2021? Do you have any suggestions on this topic?
Becoming a Staff Delegate: Why not you?
By becoming a Staff Delegate your job will be to represent the personnel, on the one hand by serving as a social link between the personnel (from your electoral college) and the Association, and on the other hand by defending the individual rights and social benefits of all CERN personnel. Through your active participation in the Association's activities, you work to improve the social conditions of all the members of personnel of the Organisation.
Staff Association General Assembly
In the first semester of each year, the Staff Association (SA) invites its members to attend and participate in the Ordinary General Assembly (OGA). This year the OGA will be held on Friday, 25 June 2021 at 11 am.
The Staff Association and the protection of personal data
The Staff Association, like all services of the Organisation, must comply with Operational Circular 11 (OC11), concerning the protection of personal data. Privacy Notices for activities within the Association have been finalised and published to ensure the proper handling of personal data.
Article S VII 1.01 of the Staff Regulations and Rules (S&RP) states that "[…] relations between the Director-General and the personnel shall be established either on an individual basis or on a collective basis with the Staff Association as intermediary". This important role of the Association's delegates, to be the spokespersons of all the Organization's personnel to the Director General and the Member States, is given concrete form by regular participation in the various joint committees defined in the S&RP.
Learning English at Le Jardin des Particules School
At Le Jardin des Particules, we give our pupils the opportunity to broaden their interests and learn new skills. That is why, we offer various educational activities such as the English Workshop with a qualified English teacher.
The CAPA, or the Individual Cases Commission (Commission des Cas Particuliers), is responsible for assisting members of the Staff Association in their disputes with the Organization. A professional career is not always a bed of roses and, in certain situations, assistance is welcome.