The Staff Association's cocktail meeting with Member and Associate Member States have resumed!

During the past 18 months, the Staff Association (SA) had not organized any cocktail meeting with the Member States and Associate Member States of the Organization, due to the health situation and its wish to privilege a direct contact with the delegations.
That is now in the past!



Dear Colleagues,
The Staff Association would first and foremost like to thank the employed and associated members of personnel who participated in large numbers in the March 19 public meeting.


Fundraiser for High Education in Lebanon

Lebanon is currently fighting off an unprecedented economic crisis, food shortage, the COVID-19 pandemic, and to top it all, the dreadful consequences of an explosion that caused damage to over half of Beirut with the likely cost above USD 15 billion. At this pivotal moment, every effort is being made to help Lebanon.


The CERN Cricket Club

The CERN Cricket Club 2021 season begins at the end of April.


Public meeting- 19 March at 11am

Do you have any questions about the Five- Yearly Review of employment conditions 2021 (5YR 2021)? Would you like to know the Staff Association's priorities for 2021? Do you have any suggestions on this topic?


Creation of the SCC sub-group on career development

In the questionnaire sent to all employed members of personnel (MEPs) at the end of 2019, the personnel expressed a clear expectation that the career development aspects, which have undergone major changes in the 2015 five-yearly review, would be improved.


Donation of annual leave: Did you know?

This measure, decided at the end of the last five-yearly review in 2015, although in view of the Staff Association it is still flawed (we will come back to this point below), already makes it possible to help you in certain extremely difficult situations that you may encounter.


What does Le Jardin des Particules brings to your children?

A privileged place for your child's learning at the heart of CERN (new building, access to some scientific laboratories.) Le Jardin de Particules offers a cocoon and family environment that encourages the development of each child's personality, particularly by respecting his or her individuality within a group.


Did you think that the problem of collecting the membership fees had been solved? Absolutely not!

For more than 60 year’s, each January, the Organization's standard practice, has been to pay, into the Association's bank account the total amount of individual membership fees calculated on the basis of the annual basic salary of each member.